2023 Publications

Industrial Education Publications - 2023

Publications from members of our group

Journal Papers

Smart Learning Space
Research of Concept, Model, Construction Technology and Effectiveness of Ubiquitous Smart Learning Space
Lei Song, Sirirat Petsangsri and Jirarat Sitthiworachart
Peer Review
Interactive Learning with Student Response System to Encourage Students to Provide Peer Feedbacke
Jirarat Sitthiworachart, Mike Joy and Hector Ponce
PAD Class Teaching in Undergraduate English Courses in the Era of Information Technology
Lihong Ding, Jirarat Sitthiworachart and John Morris
Effect of Scaffolding and Peer Review on Learning in a PAD Class
Lihong Ding, Jirarat Sitthiworachart and John Morris
Bio-oil production via fast pyrolysis of cassava residuescombined with ethanol and volcanic rock in a free-fall reactor
Koson Rueangsan, Adcha Heman, Pakkip Kraisoda, Homhuan Tasarod, Keyoon Duanguppama, Somsuk Trisupakitti and John Morris
Rubber Wood Sawdust Waste Converted to Activated Carbon for Heavy Metal Removal from Wastewater
Metta Kengchuwong, Chatyapha Ketwong, Chompoo Nuasri, Suchana Wanich, Somsuk Trisupakitti and John Morris
Toughening Polylactide Stereocomplex by Injection Molding with Thermoplastic Starch and Chain Extender
Yottha Srithep, Dutchanee Pholharn, Patnarin Worajittiphon, Keartisak Sriprateep, Onpreeya Veang in and John Morris
Atmospheric Pollution
Transboundary Haze from Peatland Fires and Local Source-derived PM2.5 in Southern Thailand
Preyapon Promsiri, Surajit Tekasakul, Thunyapat Thongyen, Panwadee Suwattiga, John Morris, Mohd Talib Latif, Perapong Tekasakul and Racha Dejchanchaiwong
Seasonal Field Calibration of Low-Cost PM2.5 Sensors in Different Locations with Different Sources in Thailand
Racha Dejchanchaiwong, Perapong Tekasakul, Apichat Saejio, Thanathip Limna, Thi-Cuc Le, Chuen-Jinn Tsai, Guan-Yu Lin and John Morris
Water Policy
The trilemma of the water‑pricing policy, the social function of water, and the threats to water security in a Metropolitan Region
Ariva Sugandi Permana, Sholihin As’ad, Cahyono Ikhsan and John Morris

Book Chapters

Atmospheric Pollution
Estimation of Ultrafine Particulate Matter Emissions from Biomass Burning Using Satellite Imaging and Burn Severity
Perapong Tekasakul, Narissara Nuthammachot, Rachane Malinee, John Morris and Racha Dejchanchaiwong
in Vegetation Fires and Pollution in Asia
Krishna Prasad Vadrevu, Toshimasa Ohara, Chris Justice
ISBN: 978-3-031-29916-2


Online Camera Use
Instructors Perspective regarding Camers Use in Distance Learning: Its Impact on Both Instructor and Students
Syahrul Alim, Sirirat Petsangsri and John Morris

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